This Video Made Engineers Teary-Eyed

Great videos are hard work.

As you'd expect in East Tennessee after a summer rain shower, steam rolled off the asphalt. The humidity was 100% and I'd sweated through my short-sleeved shirt.

Greg, the company's president, had arrived from the airport 20 minutes before. He was dressed in slacks and a blazer, and the location for filming was a 10-minute walk through a non-air-conditioned manufacturing plant.  

It was lunch time, stomachs were growling, and we were trying to find a spot out of forklift traffic with a nice background and tolerable noise to film Greg's line. He whipped off his blazer, wiped his forehead and said, "Okay, let me see if I can get it right this time." 

All that for one shot in a video that we filmed across 13 locations, 6 states, and 2 countries. Let me underline it: Great videos are hard work.

So why did Mueller Company believe that an internal marketing video for employees was a good investment? 

They knew that inspiration is exponential.

Inspired employees are loyal, they're problem solvers, and their enthusiasm is contagious. When employees are energized by a mission they become ambassadors for the brand, and they create an environment where a product will start to "sell itself."

After watching the internal marketing video employees said things like:

"It gives everyone a great sense of pride to see where we have come from and where we are going."

"The response to the video was extremely positive this week and people are asking if they can have copies to share with friends and family."

"Everyone in our group felt a great since of pride being part of the Mueller Company. Something I have always felt during my years of service, and it’s good to see the connection affecting others."

Working on a video that has that kind of impact is always worth delaying lunch and sweating through your shirt.


See our photo blog for more moments and people that inspired us while filming Mueller® Brand Essence:


A video with great interviews (and it’s funny)


How to Make a Brand Essence Video