Medical Leif Ramsey Medical Leif Ramsey

AdventHealth “Every Beat” Spots

A healthcare advertising campaign directed by Leif Ramsey for AdventHealth. EVERY BEAT features the cardiologists and their teams that provide Northwest Georgia’s best cardiac care. Locations include AdventHealth hospitals in Rome and Calhoun. The spots were produced by Tennessee production company Pathfinder Films.


The Ask
Create an ad campaign that connects heart doctors with patients in Northwest Georgia.

The Solve
We took a page from The Documentary Filmmaker’s Guide to Good Storytelling (a fictional book that should be written) and dug in deep with the real people who save lives. We created two different ads one for each geographic market.

Every Beat :30

“Fully invested in the story. Made our team of providers shine.”
— Rika, Marketing Manager

Behind the Scenes

The people we met were some of the nicest folks you could imagine — if you needed a place to stay, they’d put you up for the night. They were also incredibly good at their job. One of the doctors was a first in the country to perform certain cardiac procedures.

Sometimes low tech solutions turn out to be the most awesome…CHAIR DOLLY for the win!

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Medical Leif Ramsey Medical Leif Ramsey

“Sue Your Baby” for Heal at Home Moms


New Moms: It might feel like your body has just been assaulted by a tiny human. Things aren’t working the way they used to. Somebody should pay for this mischief....

"Sue You Baby" is the slightly outrageous idea behind an internet ad that we produced for Heal at Home Moms. The program was created by a doctor of physical therapy, Jena Beise, and its mission is to put moms back in control of their bodies. So moms: "don't sue your baby, heal your body!"

Leif Ramsey directed the commercials. The concept and production for the spots was a collaboration with The Company Lab (CO.LAB), The Sasha Group, Humanaut.

Sue Your Baby :60

Sue Your Baby :15s

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Medical Leif Ramsey Medical Leif Ramsey

“Life After” Wins Gold Telly Award

We helped the hospital tell the patient's story in an unusual way: The voices of patient and his wife recounted the details of the event, while the scenes and experiences they described were brought to life with animation.


Seeing this photo was one of the most rewarding parts of my week. It's proof that telling stories that have an impact isn't limited to big brands or national TV.  

In the photo is a heart attack survivor in his early 40s, with him are his wife, their youngest child, hospital leadership, and one of the nurses that cared for him.

The patient coded in the hallway outside of ER, and the hospital’s team did CPR for 52 minutes to keep him alive. Miraculously, he lived and had zero brain damage.

We helped the hospital tell the patient's story in an unusual way: The voices of patient and his wife recounted the details of the event, while the scenes and experiences they described were brought to life with animation.   

At the national Telly Awards the film beat out submissions by massive brands like Google, Amazon, FoxSports, Harvard, PepsiCo and others — winning a Gold Telly.


How did a small-town hospital win a national advertising award?

The hospital led with their mission. They focused on the local, letting the people they served tell the story. And they took a risk on creative, embracing animation, an unusual approach for the video.

As the hospital’s community outreach leader said:

This award is a tribute to the story and the relationship of Shawn [the patient] and Angela [his wife]. With the film being seen and utilized by more people, the goal is to help others recognize early signs and seek help.

Watch the film and read an article that I wrote about the hospital’s approach. Their experience shows that even local brands and small-town hospitals can earn a national spotlight.

Watch "Life After"

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